How long is an Interim Executive Director in the role? read more

Boards that have not yet started an independent search or hired a firm to search for the next permanent leader should expect to have an Interim Executive Director for approximately 9 to 12 months, pending many variables. In my experience, a thoughtful executive search process takes longer than Boards think it will. In the meantime, a skilled Interim Executive Director can help Board members, staff, and funders feel confident that the organization is achieving its mission and meeting deliverables.

What does your onboarding process for the incoming long-term Executive Director look like? read more

As your Interim Executive Director, I will be by your side until your long-term leader is hired and onboarded. I provide guidance for your search committee so board members have the bandwidth and information they need to make a strategic choice.

My time-tested, tailored onboarding process ensures your incoming Executive Director hits the ground running on Day One. In partnership with the new Executive Director, we will co-create an onboarding process to suit everyone’s needs. A typical onboarding process includes: a detailed communications plan; personal introductions to funders and key stakeholders; a thorough transition memo; contact lists; log-in credentials to organizational accounts; administrative set-ups; and in-person discussions to review financials and financial processes, provide tips on ways to support the Board and staff, and transfer sensitive HR and legal information.

Do you specialize in a certain type of non-profit? read more

What matters most to me is that an organization’s mission improves access and opportunities for historically underrepresented or marginalized communities. As a first-generation college graduate from a low-income background, I have devoted my career to leveling the playing field for families and children, so everyone has the opportunity to achieve their potential no matter their color, gender, zip code, or income. The organizations I have led have had a variety of missions, including: workforce development, providing home repair for senior citizens aging in place, advocating for affordable housing policy for New Yorkers, financially empowering low-wealth families and immigrants, and providing arts education for children in public schools, and serving children with disabilities.

Our organization is thinking about hiring an Interim Executive Director/CEO. Where do we start and what should we keep top-of-mind? read more

There are so many ways an experienced Interim Executive Director can help you. Let’s talk! Feel free to email for a complimentary and confidential consultation. So much depends on your non-profit’s particular circumstances. After learning about your organization’s situation and needs, I would be happy to offer you and your team guidance on the next steps.

‘Thank you’ doesn’t begin to convey the gratitude I feel for all Diana has done for YANY, our staff and board, and the children we serve. We would never have come this far without her and we are forever indebted to her for her professionalism, intelligence, wit, grace, sensitivity, and amazingly positive attitude.
— Lynne Randall, Board member, Young Audiences New York / Director of Development, Manhattan Theatre Club
Diana Breen’s leadership, attention to detail, direction, and care is so powerful. We as staff members didn’t want her to leave. Diana changed the direction we were going in and ensured that students continue to get artmaking throughout a pandemic. Her legacy is a testament to who she is and what she does. She is a guiding light and trailblazer, a dynamic professional, and a go-getter. She can be tough, which is really good! The standard has been set high.
— Troy Blackwell, Residency Manager, Young Audiences New York